
Viber for android 2.3
Viber for android 2.3

viber for android 2.3

How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac.How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files.How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.How to Block Robotexts and Spam Messages.This program has already been downloaded by many users of WhatsApp, for whom this program has become an irreplaceable assistant. relocating phrases, adding them to a different group or changing their place in the list sorting records into groups (unsorted notes will always appear at the top of the list) for storing and quickly accessing any frequently used information for chatting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social nets for corresponding with customers and friends in Skype, Line, Telegram and other messengers This app is also handy when using social nets such as Twitter, Instagram, Google+ etc. This utility is most convenient for chatting and consulting regardless of what messenger you're using: Skype, Facebook, Viber, Telegram, Line or WhatsApp. The program is very easy, does not consume memory and processor of your smartphone. In some apps, this function is reached by pressing a button in the system Action Bar. In order to do that, you have to press and hold your finger about one second on the text field and choose "Paste" from the popup context menu. Now you can insert the text from the clipboard into any text field in the program or messenger you are using. It will be copied to the clipboard and window with your records will disappear. You just have to press the "Templates" notification and choose one of the necessary, previously saved records, in the pop-up window. Not only can this app be used for storing textual patterns, but also for saving important numerical information such as passport number, VAT identification number, credit card number, etc. It's very convenient since our vocabulary-app "Templates" is always available (it's located in system messages, in the notification panel that appears when you slide your finger down the screen) Make typing (adding frequently used notes) faster by taking ready-to-use phrases from your own personal vocabulary that you can prepare in advance using our app! Take your text notes and insert them into WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook or any other messenger or program! If you have any questions, feel free to ask." When chatting in messengers like Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, and other apps it's often necessary to type in textual templates such as frequently used words and phrases like: "Hello, my name is Michael Baker.

Viber for android 2.3